Sunday, October 26, 2008

A boy, a Grandma and a Camera

I made the above page for my class called type+writer. Jake took both of those pictures. He really is very good. Here is what the jounaling says:

This is the story of Jake, eldest grandson of Ann and Kurt Daly. Jake takes photographs, at least he took them when he was younger now he MAKES photographs. To quote Ansel Adams, “You don't TAKE photographs, you MAKE them” and make them he does. He got interested in photography at age three. He picked up his Grandma Daly's film camera one afternoon and said, “Grandma, I take pictures?”. Of course, grandma said, “Go ahead sweetie.” When the film was developed Jake had not taken a bad picture. Of the 5 he took all were in focus, the subject was centered and they were of interest. Jake has not looked back since then. His interest and ability and style have just kept improving. During the summer of 2007 Jake went to a dude ranch in Colorado with Grandma and Grandpa Daly. His mother had bought him a couple of the “throw-away” cameras. He used all that film up on the first day on the Durango train trip. Grandpa bought him three more cameras to use for the rest of the week at the ranch. Jake took some great pictures. Grandma made the mistake of saying to Jake one afternoon, “Jake I'm thinking of getting a new digital camera, the kind where you can change lenses and all and then I can give you this point and shoot digital”. He responded, “Grandma that will be great. When are you going to do it? Can I take pictures with your camera right now?”. Well the days went by and each day Jake would ask Grandma if she had gotten her new camera. That is a lot of pressure on a grandma! So one day Grandma called Jake from the camera store and asked if he wanted to come over and see the camera she was thinking of buying. He hung up without saying goodbye and his mother had him at the store in record breaking time. Jake and grandma tried out the new camera. Grandma bought it and the rest is history. Jake now makes fantastic pictures with the point and shoot camera and he uses Grandma's SLR Nikon D40 every change he gets! He entered two photographs in the county fair and won two ribbons, a second for his black and white (the first place in the black and white, also won best of show) so the competition was stiff in that category. He won a third place for his color photograph. This hobby has become a talent and Jake now MAKES amazing photographs. Did I tell you he is 10 years old and in the market for a high end camera?

I've been thinking a lot about journaling and how important it really is. Jessica and Liv have made me look at this aspect of scrapbooking and I am coming to the conclusion that it is a vital componet of the page. I will be taking a class soon from Jessica called, "Stories In Hand". I am looking forward to it.

Make a nice day!

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