Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hybrid Scrapping

I never thought I would be a hybrid scrapper. I wanted to keep my digi scrapping and my paper scrapping separate. I don't know why. Well I took a few episodes at and really like combining the two. Now, I think of my scrapping in three categories: paper, digi and hybrid.

Maybe someday I will be able to think of it as just one thing. But, I'm not ready to do that yet.
Here are the hybrid pages that I made with Jessica's help.

Then I found a tutorial at Jessica's so I could "stitch" them together to post on galleries. It was not too hard to do and it was a video lesson. Here is the link:

Here are the ones I stitched together for the posting:

So this is my hybrid experience. It is fun and I really like Jessica guiding me through the steps.

Make a nice day!

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